10 research outputs found

    Building(s), cybernetically

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    Empowerment games: empathic design probes for user participation in community housing

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    This paper documents the empowering process of a group of public housing residents through different design probing exercises. These exercises worked along with existing social processes without any involvement of designers. This paper shows how a design researcher devised a series of probing tools called "empowerment games" with a group of active users. These games are self-learning tools for making the abstract language of design legible to users. The main purpose of this intitiative was to change the preconception of govenmental bodies and professional designers of the passivity of the users with regard to their designed environment. This was the first case of the application of a participatory design process in Hong Kong subsidized housing. Design empathy is a central skill when working with users throughout the whole design research project

    The way forward: report on the preparatory phase of prefabricated building design and construction methodology: identifying critical issues and recommending the way forward

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    This is an initial report of the PolyU SD part of the team to study Pre-fabricated Building Design and Construction Methodology and marks the completion of Phase 1. It follows our first notes prepared for the meeting on 2 February that identified some critical issues including future lifestyles, life expectancy of buildings, sustainability, size, flexibility and planning considerations. It is also an expansion of our presentation in Dongguan on 23 February. It is not a comprehensive survey of existing approaches or possible ways forward, but it has homed in on certain specific issues and does give specific examples to make the suggestions concrete. It is recommended that more comprehensive research be done to establish previous work and experience internationally. It is also recommended that more research be done on lifestyles as a preliminary to developing at least three concepts for evaluation before proceeding to the detailed design of one concept for full prototyping and market testing. The goal at this point is not to define a single direction but to suggest several future trajectories for further consideration. By the same token, this report is not intended as an exhaustive description of the considerable base of knowledge and ideas brought by the PolyU team to this exciting task. Before taking on an issue of this magnitude and importance in the definition of Hong Kong's future, one must carry out a thoughtful analysis of the issues at hand and an informed definition of paradigms, directions, goals and methods whereby our energies can be best used in the next steps. This report is the result of this analysi

    The way forward : report on the preparatory phase of prefabricated building design and construction methodology: identifying critical issues and recommending the way forward

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    This is an initial report of the PolyU SD part of the team to study Pre-fabricated Building Design and Construction Methodology and marks the completion of Phase 1. It follows our first notes prepared for the meeting on 2 February that identified some critical issues including future lifestyles, life expectancy of buildings, sustainability, size, flexibility and planning considerations. It is also an expansion of our presentation in Dongguan on 23 February.\ud It is not a comprehensive survey of existing approaches or possible ways forward, but it has homed in on certain specific issues and does give specific examples to make the suggestions concrete. It is recommended that more comprehensive research be done to establish previous work and experience internationally. It is also recommended that more research be done on lifestyles as a preliminary to developing at least three concepts for evaluation before proceeding to the detailed design of one concept for full prototyping and market testing.\ud The goal at this point is not to define a single direction but to suggest several future trajectories for further consideration.\ud By the same token, this report is not intended as an exhaustive description of the considerable base of knowledge and ideas brought by the PolyU team to this exciting task. Before taking on an issue of this magnitude and importance in the definition of Hong Kong's future, one must carry out a thoughtful analysis of the issues at hand and an informed definition of paradigms, directions, goals and methods whereby our energies can be best used in the next steps. This report is the result of this analysi

    Kybernetik: neuester Stand der Technologie

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    Published in print by UniversitĂ€tsverlag der TU Berlin, ISBN 978-3-7983-2953-9 (ISSN 2567-4641)CYBERNETICS: STATE OF THE ART is the first volume of the book series CON-VERSATIONS. Driven by cybernetic thinking, it engages with pressing questions for architecture, urban planning, design and automated infrastructure; in an age of increasing connectivity, AI and robotization and an evolutionary state of the Anthropocene - perpetuating angst-ridden anxiety as well as excitement and joy of a future, that we will be able to predict with less and less certainty. The book, with a foreword by Omar Khan, discusses cybernetic principles and devices developed in the late 20th century – mainly developed by Ross Ashby and Gordon Pask (second-order cybernetics), to learn from for a future of mutual relationship and conversation between man and machine. The anthology reviews and previews cybernetics as design strategy in computational architecture, urban design and socio-ecological habitats - natural and artificial. It weaves together cybernetic-architectural theories with applications and case studies ranging from regional planning to the smart home. Nine chapters written by an international group of authors from four academic generations are structured into two complimenting parts. While ‘A Concept and a Shape’ focuses on the history and theory of cybernetics, its temporary disappearance and future impact (RaĂșl Espejo, Michael Hohl, Paul Pangaro, Liss C. Werner), ‘System 5’ – relating to Stafford Beer’s project ‘Cybersyn’ - discusses applications, the role of the individual and human feedback; also with a strong theoretical underpinning (Raoul Bunschoten, Delfina Fantini van Ditmar, Timothy Jachna, Arun Jain, Kristian Kloeckl). CYBERNETICS: STATE OF THE ART invites the reader to enjoy a glimpse into the past to enjoy and discuss a cybernetic future. CYBERNETICS: STATE OF THE ART mit einem Vorwort von Omar Khan ist die erste Buchausgabe der Serie CON-VERSATIONS. Auf kybernetisches Denken und Schaffen basierend, diskutiert CON-VERSATIONS Fragen zu Architektur, Stadtplanung, Gestaltungsstrategien und automatisierter Infrastruktur in einer evolutionĂ€r zunehmenden Vernetzung durch kĂŒnstliche Intelligenz, Robotisierung; im Zeitalter der AnthropozĂ€n, in einem Zustand der sich verewigenden angstbeherrschten Unruhe - wie auch einer besonderen Lust auf eine Zukunft, die wir mit immer weniger Sicherheit voraussagen können. Das Konzept ‚Kybernetik zweiter Ordnung’ des spĂ€ten 20igsten Jahrhunderts, u.a. entwickelt von Ross Ashby und Gordon Pask, begrĂŒndet das Buch. Es genießt einen RĂŒckblick und eine Vorschau in eine kybernetische Zukunft der gemeinsamen kausalen Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Maschine. Die Autoren schlagen Kybernetik als Entwurfsstrategie fĂŒr computer-generierte/-gestĂŒtzte Architektur, Stadtplanung und natĂŒrlich und kĂŒnstliche sozio-ökologische Lebensumwelten vor. Das Buch kombiniert kybernetisch-architektonische Theorie mit Fallstudien reichend von Regionalplanung zu ‚Smart Home’. Neun Kapitel, geschrieben von einer internationalen Autorenschaft aus vier akademischen Generationen, sind in zwei sich ergĂ€nzende Buchteile strukturiert. ‘A Concept and a Shape’, mit Kapiteln von RaĂșl Espejo, Michael Hohl, Paul Pangaro, Liss C. Werner, diskutiert Geschichte und Wissenschaft der Kybernetik sowie ihr temporĂ€res Verschwinden und Einfluss auf die Zukunft. ‚System 5’ (in Anlehnung an Stafford Beer’s Projekt ‚Cybersyn’) mit Kapiteln von Raoul Bunschoten, Delfina Fantini van Ditmar, Timothy Jachna, Arun Jain, Kristian Kloeckl, beschreibt kybernetische Praxis, die Rolle des Individuums und ‚Human Feedback’ - ebenfalls mit einem starken theoretischen Fundament. CYBERNETICS: STATE OF THE ART lĂ€dt den Leser ein, einen aufschlussreichen Blick in die Vergangenheit zu werfen, um eine kybernetische Zukunft zu genießen und zu diskutieren